Learning Outcomes

1. Increased awareness of your own strengths and areas for growth
2. Undertaken new challenges
3. Planned and initiated activities
4. Worked collaboratively with others
5. Shown perseverance and commitment in your activities
6. Engaged with issues of global importance
7. Considered the ethical implications of your actions
8. Developed new skills

Reflective Questions

How did you feel about a particular aspect of the activity?
How did you interact with others?What did you perceive?What did you think about activity?
What did the activity mean to you?
What was the value of the activity?
How did activity benefit others?
How did activity measure up to the the eight learning outcomes?
Were the goals set too low, too high or just right? Why?
If difficulties existed how did you overcome them?
What did you learn from the activity and how might this new knowledge be applied more widely elsewhere in your life? (For example, a change of perspective).
How - specifically - did you interact with others?

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Bowling, October 31, 2009 (More improvement)

I am doing well in bowling, and I think that I have definitely gotten much better these past few weeks. Today my scores were 61, 106, and 98. 106 is the second highest score I have ever gotten, and 98 is my third highest score ever. I would say I am definitely improving and I am proud of myself also for being at almost the same level as some of the other kids that bowl with me, despite the fact that they have much more practice. I still have room for improvement though.

What I did this week was remember what I did last week that got me my best score ever (113). I released the ball slowly and didn't fling it down the lane. The good news is that now, it's no longer a habit or a natural instinct to flick my wrist and send the ball into the gutter! Almost every time that it was my turn today, the ball rolled right down the middle of the lane. My main downfall this week was that sometimes I would knock down every pin except the furthest one on each end, therefore making it impossible to have all of the pins knocked down after my second/last ball, leaving me with 9 pins knocked down. My other problem is if I knocked down every pin but one and the one pin was the furthest on either side, it'd be difficult to get the ball to hit that pin without rolling into the gutter before getting far enough down the lane. Either way, I have definitely improved, and many of the problems I had the first two weeks aren't problems anymore.

The reason I got a 61 the first game today was because I was initially very tired when I arrived at the bowling alley, having woken up exactly an hour before. By the time the first game was over, I was much more awake and able to bowl better, giving me scores of 106 and 98.

So my goals for next week are as follows; try to learn how to knock down the pin closest to the gutter if it is the only remaining pin which would give me a spare (without the ball rolling into the gutter), and to try to roll the ball with a little more force, so that more pins fall down when I bowl.

*Side note, I also missed Prom Committee this week to study with Ms. Singer for an algebra test that took place right after lunch.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Bowling, October 24, 2009 (Major improvement!)

My bowling scores today reflected major improvement on my part. My scores this week were 91, 113, and 84. My lowest score this week, an 84, was better than my highest score last week, which was 81. I am proud of myself because I did better than I expected I would, and everyone there today commented on how much I had improved.

I believe the secret to my success was that I went very slow, like I didn't charge up there and fling the ball down the aisle like I had been doing in previous weeks. I walked up slowly, and released the ball and followed through with my arm every single time, and most of the time, the ball went exactly where I wanted it to go. Occasionally it would roll into the gutter but this was not a frequent occurrence like it was last week. I still am unable to make the ball curve but I think that if I continue to go very slowly and make sure I release the ball without flicking my wrist, I will continue to succeed. My average score this week was a 96, which is much better than my average overall for the three previous weeks combined, which was about a 74 if I remember correctly.

One of my learning objectives for this activity (number 1) - increase awareness of my strengths and areas for growth - is achieved every week. For example, I was able to identify in previous weeks that my scores were not as high as I'd have liked them to be, and then I identified why - I was releasing the ball too quickly and flicking my wrist to the side, sending my whole arm and the ball to the right side of the aisle. I was able to correct this problem this week by slowing down my motion and remembering not to flick my wrist and keep my arm straight, and it is becoming habitual now to follow through properly. However I have identified that I would like to be able to learn to make the ball curve, which is the next thing I am going to work on, to improve my scores even more. Through this process I am achieving learning objective 8 (learning new skills), or at least attempting to. These skills are not limited to bowling, as I am learning perseverence as well. I'm not about to give up on this activity or accept failure.

* a side note - I skipped the Prom Committee meeting this week so I could go to extra help for algebra with Ms. Singer, and also there was no Key Club activity this week. I did attempt to stay after on Wednesday to help decorate a window, but this didn't end up happening at all because the door to the room was locked and there was a teacher's meeting, so all of us key-clubbers went home.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Selling Raffle Tickets, October 20, 2009

Today I went to Open Mic Night (I am actually there right now, everyone is performing and everyone who is going to be here is here so I have time), and I sold raffle tickets to raise money for centerpieces. I also handed out the flyers that advertise the tag sale.

I was a little disappointed, as only three sets of parents showed up. However I sold a raffle ticket to all three families, raising $60. I put the money and the stub of the raffle ticket with the contact information in the envelope provided. I handed out tag sale flyers to the same people who bought the tickets from me, so I accomplished as much as I possibly could have given the limited number of adults who showed up.

I am definitely learning how to give my time to do things that do not directly benefit me. My reason for volunteering to sell these raffle tickets is because I knew someone needed to do it, and I thought I should do whatever I can to help raise money for prom.

I was also happy to see that people have been bringing in tag sale items! I plan on bringing in a number of items from home as well, because I planned the tag sale and I want to do whatever I can to ensure that a tag sale does occur! I am learning how to be more responsible, as the money that I am raising by selling the raffle tickets is in my care and it's my job to ensure that people give the right money when buying the ticket, and that they fill out the correct information on the back. I like feeling like I am able to make a difference and be responsible for something that benefits others. I have also worked with others in the process, such as Lauren who was at the table helping me today. I have noticed that prom committee and the volunteer opportunities that come with it are an excellent opportunity to make new friends!

I am going to continue advertising the tag sale, it's in a little more than a month!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

No improvement in bowling so far :( 10/17/09

I went to bowling today. My scores are not improving, they are actually getting lower and lower each week. I am giving a sincere effort, and I think every week before I go, that my scores are going to improve and I will have figured out exactly what to do, but my scores are not reflecting much improvement.

I actually DO know what it is I am supposed to do, but then when it's my turn, I don't always think to do it. It's not even an intentional thing, it's just what happens. I know that I am supposed to not flick my wrist and follow through, with my arm releasing the ball so that my arm goes in the air in a straight line, following through with the whole motion. However, every time it's my turn and I try to do this, I flick my wrist to the side and send the ball toward the gutter. I don't realize that this is going to happen but it does, it's almost like it is a habit for me to release the ball that way. I have at least IDENTIFIED the problem - my wrist flicks, ALWAYS toward the right gutter. I don't know how to break this habit or even what I am doing with my wrist, I am not seeing myself bowling to identify the problem, but I know what the problem is because I am told by other people. When I do carefully monitor my motions when I bowl, the ball goes right down the middle and I apparently follow through correctly, with my arm going straight up and my thumb sticking straight up as well after the ball is released.

My scores this week were 51, 74, and 81. Also to take into consideration is the fact that the lanes were not greased, so the ball did not move as well for me or for anyone else. My score of a 51 reflects that the first game, I kept flicking my wrist, and by the second two games, for which my scores fall into the average range for me when compared to games bowled the previous two weeks, I had figured out how to NOT flick my wrist for the most part. In fact by the end of my final game, I had gotten two strikes in a row. It figures that I'd start doing well right before it was time to leave.

I think I need to go once or twice during the week and practice. When I carefully monitor what I am doing, I do well, but it's just a natural habit for me to flick my wrist when I bowl, and that is what is keeping me from being successful. Now that I have identified the problem, it's time for me to do all I can to correct it. I should probably bowl a lot slower, and watch what I am doing carefully so I can remind myself to follow through correctly. If I released the ball correctly EVERY time, my scores would be much higher, because I am much more successful when I don't flick my wrist. Learning objective 1 - recognize areas of strength and areas for growth - is what this is all about. I identified the problem and am going to attempt to fix it.

One solution to fixing the problem is to go during the week so I could try to improve without bowling under pressure, when my scores count.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Prom Committee, October 15, 2009

Today was another Prom Committee meeting. I volunteered to sell raffle tickets on October 20 at the Open Mic Night, and I also told Mr. Hyer that I will be part of the group that is going to focus on fundraising opportunities, of which there are 4 or 5 other members of prom committee that I will be working with. I am excited, because I enjoy volunteering and I want to do my best to help with the fundraising and contribute to the effort. I am going to admit that I do not like one of the people that also volunteered, but if I have to work with this person I will put my personal feelings aside and work cooperatively with them.

I also have been thinking about what to do to encourage people to bring in tag sale items. I was glad to hear that the office has sent out emails about it to the parents. I don't know if parents will send items in with their kids, but the most I can do at this point to help is to continue thinking of ways to advertize the event, and to gather items from home and from other family members to sell. That way, even if other parents don't have items sent in with their kids, there will still be plenty of items to sell. I have many household items that I don't need and I know my mom has some too, so I will start getting them together soon so they can collect over the next month before they would be sold.

I know that every time I volunteer to help with fundraising opportunities or every time I come up with ideas, I am getting closer to achieving the chosen learning objectives for this activity. I am going to keep in contact with Mrs. Hyer throughout the week so I can see if there is anything going on that I might be able to help with, and I still need to find out the date for the Open Mic Night so I can be sure that I can attend.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Bowling, Saturday October 10, 2009

I am not sure if I have made improvement since last week, or if I have not. My scores last week in bowling were 91, 67, and 105, and this week they were 73, 74, and 82. The obvious answer would be that I have not made improvement and that I still need to develop a technique, but my scores this week were much more consistent, rather than, a good game here, a bad game here, which would suggest that my good scores are due to sheer luck.

This week, I was with a totally different group of kids, most of which were closer to my age. There are about 30 kids of various ages that are part of the same bowling league but they divide us up into groups and put us in different lanes. I thought that the people I was with last week would be with me all the time but they do switch it up. This week, 2 of the kids in my group were MUCH better than I was, and close to my age. The rest were at the same level of ability as I am, but I still worried I was the weakest link. I did try my hardest, though. But often I would get nervous roll the ball too fast, and the ball would end up going into the gutter. What this is telling me is that I need to practice, by myself, at some point during the week when I am not competing against other people so that I can work on my technique and then when I go on Saturday, I will have some idea of what to do, rather than trying different techniques (like, position of the arm, the wrist, etc.) for the first time and having them either work, or fail miserably. 

What I have realized is, when releasing the ball, it is better not to go so fast that it goes off to the side and into the gutter. It is best to release the ball right down the middle, and try to keep your arm straight, so that the ball is headed on a clear path down the middle of the aisle. Sometimes for me though, I just get something wrong and it still goes into the gutter or off to the side. Learning objective 1 - increase awareness of my strengths and areas for growth - tells me I need to go bowling with a friend or by myself during the week when I am not competing against anyone, so I can discover what works and what doesn't work, and so I can gain some awareness of what I am doing well, and what I still need to work on. I intend to do this soon, because if I am by myself, I will feel much less pressure and my scores will not count. To achieve learning goal 8 - develop new skills, I am going to need to practice by myself.

As frustrating as I was getting when I felt like the weakest link, it didn't stop me from trying, because that is the only possible way to succeed.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Prom Committee, October 8, 2009

I went to the meeting for Prom Committee at lunch. Basically, we discussed different fundraising opportunities and how much money has been made so far, and ways to make additional money. I am going to admit that I was a little bit nervous during the meeting and found it difficult to pay close attention, partly because I had a test in algebra next period and I did not know if I understood the material well enough, even though I had studied for several hours the previous night. 

I was disappointed to hear that no items had yet been brought in for the tag sale. I have put a bit of effort into organizing the event and advertising it, but I am going to continue to advertise it, and even bring in some items from my own house to sell. Even if not a lot of items are brought in, I still will feel good to know that I did my best to help, and was able to plan something and go through with it. I am not ready to give up though, I am going to continue to commit myself into making the tag sale effective/successful.

I also reviewed with Mr. Hyer, the google spreadsheet that is keeping track of the expenses. As soon as I receive new information about expenses or profits, I will fill in the appropriate information.

I am enjoying Prom Committee, and being an active member, although I am going to continue to volunteer to help in as many ways as I can.

About Key Club, there was no meeting this week.
And tomorrow is bowling.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Bowling at Ryan Family Amusements first day, October 3, 2009

Yesterday I joined a once-a-week bowling league at Ryan Family Amusements in South Yarmouth, the "Saturday Strikers".  We meet every Saturday at 8:30 for 30 weeks, and bowl 3 games. I was nervous at first, mostly because I didn't know who to expect to see there, and I was hoping that I wouldn't see a lot of people I knew, and I especially hoped that I would not be with mostly older kids. People might think, bowling is so easy, it's not a big deal, but that couldn't be further from the truth. After observing some of the kids who have been bowling consistently for a while (and they range from ages 10 to 17), I could see that it's not easy and not everyone is good and knows the techniques.

I arrived, and I signed in with the coach and had to fill out a paper, asking for my name, age, email, phone number, parents' phone number, etc. After, I was introduced to the other kids on the team and was pleasantly surprised to see that I was the second oldest. Most of them are between the ages of 12 and 16, with one girl who is 10 and the manager of the bowling alley's son who is 6. My first impression was, this is going to be a piece of cake. Let me say now, IT'S NOT. I did not realize until I showed up that we weren't going to do candlepin bowling. I mean the thought had crossed my mind but I assumed that because the ages of the kids varied and many of them were used to the bumpers that stop the ball from rolling into the gutter, that if we were bowling with the heavy balls, that we'd be using the bumpers. Surprise number 2; no bumpers. 

I didn't realize just how heavy the bowling balls are; I have only done candlepin bowling, with the small green balls. When it was my turn, the ball rolled RIGHT INTO THE GUTTER the first time, and my wrist hurt from using the heavy ball. I figured I would get better. I talked to the coach and she showed me how to hold the ball properly, and the motion with the arm when letting the ball go. She told me that my thumb is supposed to be straight up after releasing the ball, so I tried it on my next turn. She was right! My score for the first game was 91, my score for the second game was a 67, and my score for the final game was 105. Sometimes I would remember the proper way of releasing the ball, other times I would not, and by the end, my wrist hurt so much that I was lucky if it didn't roll into the gutter due to my inability to follow through with the proper motion.

So I wasn't as bad as I thought; HOWEVER I'm not that good. I'm better than some of the smaller kids, but I fall way behind when you compare me to the others that are closer to my age. The 10 year old girl is really good too, and she beat me every time. My personal goal is not to beat everyone else on the team (we're competing against each other, not other teams), but to improve my own techniques so that my scores are consistently good, rather than me doing well by sheer luck if I just happen to remember the correct form and stance, or if I do without even realizing it. There is a definite method to bowling, and this can be seen when you see how some of the older kids are able to make the ball curve and roll down the aisle with such a force that the pins are all knocked down by a domino effect. This is where learning objective 1 comes into play - increase awareness of my strengths and areas for growth. I have identified my strengths (I get decent scores, I am beginning to recognize a method that I want to learn to improve my scores) and I have identified my area for growth, which is that I can learn the methods and techniques. Learning objective 8 - develop new skills, branches off of this. I can learn new skills after I identify my areas for growth, and then I will be able to later look back on my performances and see how much I have grown, or not, if I find I am not able to.

I am going to do my best to become more talented at bowling. And if you think it's easy, IT'S NOT!! I can definitely say that candlepin bowling with the bumpers will be a piece of cake after this.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Open House/Prom Committee - October 1, 2009

Today was the Open House at school for the parents, to go from room to room and meet the teachers, and for Prom Committee, tables were set up in different places in the school with various sales and raffles going on; there were raffle tickets being sold, cookies and brownies being sold, and I handed out flyers to parents and students about the tag sale that will be held during parent/teacher conferences, so parents and students would be informed.

These past few days I have done all that I could to be busy and an active Prom Committee member. I designed a flyer on my computer advertising the tag sale that we are holding on November 23, which was a bit of a challenge for me because I am not good at designing flyers, even on the computer. I have not one artistic bone in my body. However I did the best that I could, using the necessary information (date, place, time, asking for donations of household items to be sold), and the flyers came out looking nice. I also made 150 copies of the flyer, two per page, and then cut them perfectly so that they were all the same size and looked neat. 

I did the best I could to help tonight at the open house. I sat at the sales table, and offered the flyer I made to parents and students who walked past the table, and I would tell them everything they needed to know about the tag sale, and I informed them that the money made from the tag sale will directly benefit the prom. It was difficult to hand out the flyer to every parent and student but I handed them out to as many people as I could. I also counted money at the table and decided to plan ahead and request that a copy of all of the profits could be given to me so when the time comes to organize the information on Google Spreadsheets, I would have the necessary information. 

I was also a bit nervous when I first showed up tonight, because while I know just about everyone else who was there to help, very few are really close friends. I was wondering if I would fit in, seeing how many of the students who are on Prom Committee this year were on last year's as well and know exactly what to do, and how to do it. I surprisingly warmed right up to everyone and even think I made a few new friends. I learned about myself that ahead of time I have a tendency to think that my social skills will fare worse than they actually do, and I end up being relatively social, especially if with people who I have met and spoken to before. Had I been surrounded by people I didn't know at all, I would have been much more nervous. I definitely think that my social skills are improving, although a lot of the time I still feel like I say things that sound awkward to others or that I ramble on about something unimportant so it looks like I am more comfortable with the people I'm with than I actually am. 

I feel like this week I have continued making progress toward achieving learning objectives 2 (taking on new challenges) and 4 (working collaboratively with others). Designing a flyer, making copies, handing it out, gave me a sense of responsibility and showed me that I can use my own ideas and come up with a plan and carry it out, as is the case with the tag sale. It was my idea and without me to ensure that everything gets done (advertising it, keeping track of the items brought in), it wouldn't get done. I feel responsible for the outcome of this event and I feel like that shows that I am making progress and learning a new sense of responsibility. I am already responsible in that I get my schoolwork done, but I am not used to coming up with an idea and going through all of the steps to carry out a plan, and I like it. I am also working collaboratively with others, more than I ever thought I would. I thought I'd be the reject member of Prom Committee, the one who didn't know what to do and sat off to the side but today I took part in the open house and did my best to help others with what they needed to do, and I did my best to make sure I was contributing to the group. 

I find that I am capable of way more than I initially thought I was, but I still would like to take on more responsibilities, particularly more difficult ones, so I continue to challenge myself to do the best I can do.